Tuesday December 13th George Mason University Founders Hall Room 120

0830 - 0900          Coffee and sign-in

0900                     Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

0900 - 0930          Welcome and Introductions (Smith/Tang)
                            -- Key Note Welcome: Deputy Chief John Snider, Arlington County Fire

0930 - 1000          Board of Directors Report (Smith/Tang)
                            - Bylaws 
                            - New Members
                            - Changes to Committee Structure
                            - Website

1000 - 1030         Update: ACEP High Threat Committee (Piazza)

1030 - 1100         Discussion: TECC as a part of the Model EMS Guidelines (Kamin)

1100 - 1130         Discussion: Boston Fire Department and TECC implementation

1130 - 1230         Working Group Reports
                           - K9 TECC working group (Lee)
                           - First Care Provider (Bobko)
                           - Psychiatric care working group (Kamin)

1230 - 1345         Lunch (on your own)

1345 - 1415         TECC and CBRNE Operations (McAvenia)

1415 - 1730         Guidelines Discussion
                           - Discussion and approval First Receivers with a Duty to Act Guidelines
                           - Discussion and approval ALS/BLS Guidelines
                           - Discussion and approval TECC ALS/BLS training slide deck
                           - Open guidelines discussion

1730                    Save Rounds and Happy Hour (location TBA)

Wednesday December 14th George Mason Founders Hall Room 121

0830 - 0900         Coffee and sign-in

0900                   Call to Order

0900 - 1200         Continued: Open Guidelines Discussion and voting

1200                    Adjourn