Charlotte Convention Center room 212 AB 

Monday, May 22, 2017

0730-0800   Sign-in

0800-0820   Pledge of Allegiance and Introductions

0820-0840   Key Note: Division Chief Paula McDaniel, Charlotte Fire Department

0840-0920   Board of Directors update

0920-0940   Case Review #1: Townville, SC elementary school shooting

0940-0950   Break

0950-1010   Case Review #2: Westminster Terror attack

1010-1040   BCC-TCP discussion

1040-1110   ASTM Tourniquet standard discussion

1110-1130   International TECC programs

1130-1200   California First Care Provider update

1200-1300   Lunch

1300-1400   Working Group Updates

1400-1415   Public Comment

1415-1430   Break

1430-1700   Open Guidelines discussion

1700            Adjourn

1800 – 2000 Social at Fahrenheit Restaurant (222 S. Caldwell Street)